javascript - How to access newly created elements by pure js? -

i made 'warning' layer use instead of 'alert()'.

code : warning = document.getelementbyid('warning'); // line want make functional. code out side of warning(); line runs before 'elem:div#warning' made warning().  function warning() { = document.createelement('div'); document.body.appendchild(a); = 'warning'; a.classname= 'warning'; } 

but don't know how access newly created , added element javascript.

i think css works fine newly added elements. js not.

i searched google, , found methods register newly created element automatically using prototype, hard understand me...

so, trying is, access newly created element 'a' javascript executed before 'a' created.

i tried method :

if(document.getelementbyid('warning')) {alert('asdf')}; 

but useless...

try fiddle, works me, did small change.

function warning() {    = document.createelement('div');    document.body.appendchild(a); = 'warning';    a.classname= 'warning'; }  warning();  warningdiv = document.getelementbyid('warning');  if(document.getelementbyid('warning')) {   alert('warning div on dom') }; 


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