c# - i m getting Error in in Repeater with in Repeater in Data Source -

    <b><%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "hotel_floorid")%></b>       <b><%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "hotel_floorname")%></b>            <br>     <asp:repeater id="childrepeater" runat="server" datasource='<%# ((datarowview)container.dataitem).row.getchildrows ("myrelation") %>' >         <itemtemplate>             <%# databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "[\"roomdoorno\"]")%><br>            </itemtemplate>     </asp:repeater>     </itemtemplate> 

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {      string css = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["cs"].connectionstring;     sqlconnection cnn = new sqlconnection(css);     cnn.open();     sqldataadapter cmd1 = new sqldataadapter("select *    hm_hotel_floor", cnn);     dataset ds = new dataset();     cmd1.fill(ds, "floors");     parentrepeater.datasource = ds.tables["floors"];        sqldataadapter cmd2 = new sqldataadapter("select * hm_rooms", cnn);     cmd2.fill(ds, "rooms");     ds.relations.add("myrelation", ds.tables["floors"].columns["hotel_floorid"], ds.tables["rooms"].columns["hotel_floorid"]);     page.databind();    } 

the error compiler error message: cs0246: type or namespace name 'datarowview' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?)

please 1 me

code-behind (.cs) , page (.aspx) files have own classes have separate imports too. in case missing import on top of aspx view:

<%@ import namespace="system.data" %> 

this required because casting container.dataitem datarowview in aspx view.

in addition make sure have using statement in code-behind file well:

using system.data; 


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