full text search - SQL Statement to check first character for first and last name from textbox -

i trying write sql statement or statements retrieve account information based on textbox entry of person’s initials (last, first). following statement works when enter 1 letter, not too.

'variable dim strdatasource string dim connstr string = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _     "data source = chapter4.mdb"  strdatasource = "select custid, lastname, firstname " & _        "from tblcustomers " & _        "where ucase(trim(lastname)) '" & ucase(me.txtcustid.text) & "%'"   dim dt new datatable dim dataadapter = new oledb.oledbdataadapter(strdatasource, connstr)  dataadapter.fill(dt) dataadapter.dispose()  me.dgvdisplay.datasource = dt 

i cannot figure out how add firstname search.

i don't know names of fields in form, rajesh suggesting similar following. if want first or last name match, use or instead of , in clause.

strdatasource = "select custid, lastname, firstname " & _        "from tblcustomers " & _        "where ucase(trim(lastname)) '" & ucase(me.txtcustid.text) & "%'" _         , ucase(trim(firstname)) '" & ucase(me.txtfirstname.text) 


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