java - /_ah/queue/__deferred__ in App Engine Logs -

i have app engine application uses google cloud sql, , page in application doing database operation; whenever page accessed, not able perform database operations. when go console, see /_ah/queue/__deferred__.

i able run application without issues on localhost code has no errors, however, there issue cloud sql after deploying it.

note : have not used queues anywhere in code.

what actual cause for /_ah/queue/__deferred__ to appear in app engine logs?

i had similar issue. i've found that in 1 of filters opening session each incomming connection:

httprequest.getsession(true); //or 1 below - both opens valid http session httprequest.getsession(); 

and appengine-web.xml configured store session asynchronously

<sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> <async-session-persistence enabled="true"/> 

this has resulted in creating lot of tasks in default queue , each 1 of them tried store empty session. avoid this, make sure opening session proper requests. either fixing filter or changing filter url-patterns in web.xml


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