javascript - Whats wrong with this code? .checked is probably the one i am not using correctly -

i have simple html form. trouble logging in page, 2 radio buttons, 1 forgot password, , forgot username. when user click 1 of radio buttons, small form appears below option , can proceed further. have written username part. , have written small function it, not working properly, in fact, not working @ all.

i have checked jquery selector, form #usernamedrop hide, if statement not working properly.

$(document).ready(function(e){     $("#usernamedrop").hide();     $("#usernameradio").change(function(e){         if($("#usernameradio").checked){             $("#usernamedrop").show();         }else {             $("#usernamedrop").hide();         }     }); }); 

the html following:

<body> <div id="logindiv"> <h1>what problem?</h1>     <div>         <div class="formentry">             <input type="radio" name="troublekind" id="usernameradio" value="username">             <label for="usernameradio">i forgot username</label>         </div>         <div class="formentry">             <input type="radio" name="troublekind" id="passwordradio" value="password">             <label for="passwordradio">i forgot password</label>         </div>     </div>     <form id="usernamedrop">         <h2>please enter</h2>         <div class="formentry">             <label for="dateofbirth">date of birth</label><input type="date" name="dateofbirth" id="dateofbirth">         </div>         <div class="formentry">              <label for="placeofbirth">place of birth</label><input type="text" name="placeofbirth" id="placeofbirth">         </div>         <input type="submit" name="submitusernamedrop" value="submit">     </form> </div> 

you mixing vanialla js , jquery. $("#usernameradio") jquery object , doesn't have checked property.

you can checked property using multiple ways:

  1. this.checked;, simple , best way
  2. $(this).is(':checked');
  3. $(this).prop('checked');


$("#usernameradio").change(function(e){     if(this.checked){         $("#usernamedrop").show();     }else {         $("#usernamedrop").hide();     } }); 


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