How can I rewrite this Haskell using guards with no case-of? -

i have 3 versions of function laid out below. #2 , #3 work. #2 first choice right now. i'd find way of making #1 work, , see how compares. it's down @ bottom.

first, have type:

data value =     intval int   | boolval bool   deriving (show) 

and (working fragment of a) function:

-- #2 evaluate (if ec et ef) s0 =   case vc of     (intval ____) -> error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean"      (boolval vcb) -> if vcb (vt, st)                             else (vf, sf)   (vc, sc) = evaluate ec s0         (vt, st) = evaluate et sc         (vf, sf) = evaluate ef sc 

i'm wondering if can rid of case statement , use guards instead. can use guards inside case statement, i've found works:

-- #3 evaluate (if ec et ef) s0 =   case vc of     (intval _) -> error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean"      (boolval vcb) | vcb       -> (vt, st)                   | otherwise -> (vf, sf)   (vc, sc) = evaluate ec s0         (vt, st) = evaluate et sc         (vf, sf) = evaluate ef sc 

that's know. think #2 communicates intentions. nonetheless, here's first thing tried, , i'd figure out how work:

-- #1 evaluate (if ec et ef) s0    | (intval vc) = error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean"    | vc == true  = (vt, st)   | otherwise   = (vf, sf)   (vc, sc) = evaluate ec s0         (vt, st) = evaluate et sc         (vf, sf) = evaluate ef sc 

which gives following errors. seems need ask if of value type of intval subtype?:

couldn't match expected type `int' actual type `value' in first argument of `intval', namely `vc' in expression: (intval vc)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  couldn't match expected type `bool' actual type `value' in expression: (intval vc) in stmt of pattern guard                equation `evaluate':   (intval vc) 

how can fix these errors , have no-cases, guards-only implementation?

the problem #1 ordinary guards can boolean expressions, have no power succinctly match patterns. intval vc won't work one. , if did, vc intval vc pattern cannot used bool value - need boolval vc pattern that.

however, can use pattern guards:

evaluate (if ec et ef) s0   | intval _      <- vc = error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean"    | boolval true  <- vc = (vt, st)   | boolval false <- vc = (vf, sf)   (vc, sc) = evaluate ec s0         (vt, st) = evaluate et sc         (vf, sf) = evaluate ef sc 


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