ipad - iOS8 official release with bug for Pad using today-extension? UPDATED -

si have universal-app today-extension. when tapping in tableview of extension app launching.

  • test simulator iphones ios8 -> ok works , opens app
  • test simulator ipads ios8 -> ok works , opens app
  • test iphone 5s ios8gm -> ok works , opens app
  • test ipadair ios8 (installed 17/9) -> extension shown when tapping tableview disappears, come after few seconds, when tapping again same procedure till after 8 times made game message "loading not possible" shown.

does have same issue , know solution? or can check?

edit localize problem:

my code in today-extension is:

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{  nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"hdb://"];    nsstring *zwischenziel = [[self.todayparser.todayarray objectatindex:indexpath.row] view];  nsinteger ziel = [zwischenziel integervalue];  nsuserdefaults *shareddefaults = [[nsuserdefaults alloc] initwithsuitename:@"group.com.hotel-de-bordeaux.hdb"];  [shareddefaults setinteger:ziel forkey:@"viewvalue"];  [shareddefaults synchronize];   [[self extensioncontext] openurl:url completionhandler:nil];  [tableview deselectrowatindexpath:indexpath animated:no]; } 

the value in shareddefaults stored correct. when starting app after today-extension tapping icon app launches view corresponding stored viewvalue in shareddefaults.

so ipad has problem code:

[[self extensioncontext] openurl:url completionhandler:nil]; 

because selected row deselected when appearing after few seconds.


after hours of searching , trying tested run today-extension on ipad air (real device) logs happens storing userdefaults.

test1: delete app ipad air. installing app main app scheme

loading , starting app

this sure issue still there. yes, no way today-extension app. in 1 of more 30 attempts worked.

test2: delete app again. installing app today-extension scheme:

loading ans starting extension

now app installed not launched. instead notifications opens , today-extension comes up. in logs values right. touching 1 of cells opens app should!!! , app working too. closing app , opening notifications - logs correct, working right.

so there must bug in ios8 update/general ipad or bug in xcode6. or crated special app ;-) on ipad depends how install app!


installing main scheme iphone -> correct

installing main scheme ipad -> app runs ok, extension problems open app

installing extension scheme iphone -> correct

installing extension scheme ipad -> correct

too fast - seems there difference scheme used long ipad connected via usb imac. when solving connection old issue returns. :-(

how can figure out if ios-installation on ipad has "error" or xcode6-installation has problem?

ok, last night played issue. chance tapped first row of tableview in today-extension , app opens correct. thought luck , tried again. result of 5 minutes trying was: using first row of tableview app opens correct, second last row used "touchupinside" causes issue. morning cleared constraints in extension-storyboard. (there no warnings or other stuff - , said worked correct on iphone , ipad-simulators). made constraints new before , works fine on ipad too.


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