javascript - Load pdf from remote url to send as Mandrill attachment -

i trying load pdf in cloud code , send attachment mandrill.

as mandrill needs base64 encoded string attachment use buffer change encoding.

the result right pdf attachment cannot opened , think error caused recoding.

i guessed text returned request utf8 i'm not sure.

any suggestions?

var buffer = require('buffer').buffer;

function loadpdf(pdfurl) {   var promise = new parse.promise();{     method: 'get',     url: pdfurl,     success: function (httpresponse) {       // put text buffer       var buf = new buffer('httpresponse.text', 'utf8');       // encode text base64       promise.resolve(buf.tostring('base64'));     },     error: function (httpresponse) {       console.error(httpresponse);       console.error("token request failed response code " + httpresponse.status);     }   });   return promise; } 

the result of function put

"attachments": [     {         "type": "application/pdf",         "name": "test.pdf",         "content": encodepdftext     } 

i had same problem recently, try following code, make sure httpresponse.text in utf8...

"content": new buffer(httpresponse.text.tostring('base64')).tostring() 


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