jquery full calendar horizontal drag and select multiple days -

i have tried implement horizontal drag selection in jquery full calendar didn't success. day wise vertical selection possible more 1 day selection in single drag not working. guys if have solution please suggest.

below code full calender:

$.createfullcalendarwithcurrenttime = function (selectcallback, eventscallback,    mouseovercallback, options, eventrendercallback, curtime) {          calendar = $('#calendar').fullcalendar({             unselectauto: false,             header: { left: 'prev', center: 'title', right: 'next' },             titleformat: { week: "mmmm dd{ - dd, yyyy}" }, // sep 7 - 13 2009 ,             defaultview: "agendaweek",             // columnformat: { month: 'ddd', week: 'ddd d/m', day: 'dddd d/m' },             columnformat: { week: 'ddd d'},             eventbackgroundcolor: options && options["eventbackgroundcolor"] ?               options["eventbackgroundcolor"] : "#ffeb00",             eventbordercolor: "#ffeb00",             eventtextcolor: options && options["eventtextcolor"] ? options["eventtextcolor"] :              "#333333",             axisformat: 'h(:mm) tt',             aspectratio: 0.1,             buttontext: { prev: '', next: '' },             selectable: (selectcallback != null && $.isfunction(selectcallback) ? true : false),             selecthelper: true,             editable: false,             alldayslot: false,             slotminutes: slotminute,             mintime: mintimenew,             maxtime: maxtimenew,             firstday: 1,             eventmouseover: mouseovercallback,             viewdisplay: function () {                 // create slots table if not created              },             select: selectcallback,             events: eventscallback,             eventrender: eventrendercallback         });          return calendar;     };       function slotbind(cells) {             cells.click(slotclick)             .mousedown(slotselectionmousedown);         }       function slotselectionmousedown(ev) {             if (ev.which == 1 && opt('selectable')) { // ev.which==1 means left mouse button                 unselect(ev);                 var dates;                 hoverlistener.start(function (cell, origcell) {                     clearselection();                     if (cell && cell.col == origcell.col && !cellisallday(cell)) {                         var d1 = celldate(origcell);                         var d2 = celldate(cell);                         dates = [                         d1,                         addminutes(clonedate(d1), snapminutes), // calculate minutes depending on                         selection slot minutes                          d2,                         addminutes(clonedate(d2), snapminutes)                     ].sort(cmp);                         renderslotselection(dates[0], dates[3]);                     } else {                         dates = null;                     }                 }, ev);                 $(document).one('mouseup', function (ev) {                     hoverlistener.stop();                     if (dates) {                         if (+dates[0] == +dates[1]) {                             reportdayclick(dates[0], false, ev);                         }                         reportselection(dates[0], dates[3], false, ev);                     }                 });             }         } 


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