Apache2 Virtual Host 503 error -

here apache2 virtual host config -

<virtualhost *:80>    servername a.b.com    proxypreservehost off     proxypass /  http://<serverip>:<appport>/<app>/  timeout=3600 keepalive=on    proxypassreverse /  http://<serverip>:<appport>/<app>/    proxytimeout  3600 </virtualhost> <location "/">    order allow,deny    allow </location> 

i have route 53 entry a.b.com pointing machine (the 1 apache2)

i have ran a2ensite.. getting 503 service unavailable on hitting a.b.com

however, a.b.com:appport/app working..

this means missing in apache2 configuration.. can point me out?

proxypreservehost off should on, , not need mention http://, in route can mention http://.

further please check , paste error logs.


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