BigQuery loading batch folders error -

i'm trying load group of folders files in 1 time when set sourceuri = 'gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/app/reports/app_network_analytics_report/201409011*'

all folders i'm want load start 20140911

but error:

error: invalid path: gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/

20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0 1 of these folders(don't know why it's print folder name of specific folder)

in other folder tree cases it's works, in specific folder tree it's return same error .

i know cloud storage don't have real folders , it's part of name of object, understand mean.

is bug?

without more information, looks have object file called gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/ not csv/json file. tools may create these dummy files in order simulate directories. bigquery requires objects match input glob path importable files.

one solution change glob path include narrower set of files. can pass multiple paths if makes things easier. example, pass gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/* , gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_some_other_path/*


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