ios - Using Parse CloudCode to send a pdf attachment via mailgun? -

i using ios , mailgun. trying send email pdf attached. have read cloudcode doesn't allow attachments. have seen post, mailgun: sending image using parse cloud code ,saying instead of attaching place inline.

first off, still case, cannot send attachments via cloud code? if so, give me hand in figuring out how pdf app email sent through mail gun? im not using built in mail view apple because need able set "from" address of email.

i have pdf created dynamically in app , present in code this:

nsstring* filename = @"invoice.pdf";  nsarray *arraypaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(                                     nsdocumentdirectory,                                     nsuserdomainmask,                                     yes); nsstring *path = [arraypaths objectatindex:0]; nsstring* pdffilename = [path stringbyappendingpathcomponent:filename];  uiwebview* webview = [[uiwebview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 60, 320, 480)];  nsurl *url = [nsurl fileurlwithpath:pdffilename]; nsurlrequest *request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url]; [webview setscalespagetofit:yes]; [webview loadrequest:request];  [self.view addsubview:webview]; 

i don't know how file docdir proper data form , either attached (if possible) or place inline post mentions above.

any appreciated. if need more info, have questions or have alternate idea on how accomplish task please ask/suggest.

thanks in advance


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