c++ - Loss of accuracy with the return statement in my code -

i'm learning c++ through great tutorial @ http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/210-comprehensive-quiz part of quiz need create calculator code seems drop decimal. believe occurs during return statement. anyways, newbie learning c++ appreciated. code:

#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> int input(float); int math(double, double, char); void print(double);  int _tmain(int argc, _tchar* argv[]) {     double fnumberone = input(0);     double fnumbertwo = input(1);     char operator = input(2);     print(math(fnumberone, fnumbertwo, operator));     return 0; }  int input(float x) {     using namespace std;     if (x == 0)     {            cout << "please enter first number" << endl;     double input;     cin >> input;     return input;     }     if (x == 1)     {         cout << "please enter second number" << endl;         double input;         cin >> input;         return input;     }     if (x == 2)     {             cout << "please enter operator" << endl;         char op;         cin >> op;         return op;     } }  int math(double x, double y, char op) {     double result(0);     if (op == '+')         result = x + y;     if (op == '-')         result = x - y;     if (op == '/')         result = x / y;     if (op == 'x')         result = x *y;         return result; } void print(double x) {     using namespace std;     cout << x << endl; } 

when return function input returning int:

int input(float x) {     ...     double input;     cin >> input;     return input; // cast happens here turn double int.  

you need return double ie double input(float x).


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