Javascript slideshow troubleshooting -

i creating javascript slideshow company, after writing code images not showing. goal of slide show expandable, can add more images if needed. going switching out previous , next html hyperlinks buttons. or suggestions appreciated.

<html> <head>  <script language="javascript">  var interval = 1500; var random_display = 0; var imagedir = "v/vspfiles/templates/133/images/template/";  var imagenum = 0;  imagearray = new array(); imagearray[imagenum++] = new imageitem(imagedir + "091814_banner.jpg"); imagearray[imagenum++] = new imageitem(imagedir + "0914_banner1.jpg") imagearray[imagenum++] = new imageitem(imagedir + "0914_banner-1_v2.jpg") imagearray[imagenum++] = new imageitem(imagedir + "navigation_background_left2.png")  var totalimages = imagearray.length;  function imageitem(image_location){   this.image_item = new image();   this.image_item.src = image_location; }  function get_imageitemlocation(imageobj){   return(imageobj.image_item.src); }  function randnum(x,y){   var range = y - x + 1;   return math.floor(math,random() * range) + x; }  function get_nextimage() {   if(random_display){     imagenum = randnum(0,totalimages-1); }   else{     imagenum = (imagenum + 1) % totalimages; }   var new_image = get_imageitemlocation(imagearray[imagenum]);   return (new_image); }  function get_previmage(){   imagenum = (imagenum-1) % totalimages;   var new_image = get_imageitemlocation(imagearray[imagenum]);   returns(new_image); }  function previmage(place){   var new_image = get_previmage();   document[place].src = new_image; }  function switchimage(place) {   var new_image = get_nextimage();   document[place].src = new_image;   var recur_call = "switchimage('"+place+"')";   timerid = settimeout(recur_call,interval); }    </script>  </head>  <body onload="switchimage('slideimg')"> <img name="slideimg" src="dsc09890.jpg" width=500 height=375 border=0> <a href="#" onclick="switchimage('slideimg')">play slide show</a> <a href="#" onclick="cleartimeout(timerid)"> pause</a> <a href="#" onclick="previmage('slideimg'); cleartimeout(timerid)"> previous</a> <a href="#" onclick="switchimage('slideimg'); cleartimeout(timerid)">next </a>  </body> </html> 


the slide show working properly. since working, looking creating buttons controls rather hyperlinks. planning on doing slideshow div. unsure how edit css , html make buttons appear on top of slideshow , stay in exact locations.


i have solved how create buttons. previous button not working however. of other buttons are.

how simplifying input code first, , rewriting accordingly? assuming images in same location, starting point create array containing images names:

(disclaimer: did not test code, may contain syntax errors, consider pseudo-code)

var images = ["image1.png","image2.jpg"]; 

assuming showing 1 image @ time on page, can keep global variable around containing index being shown.

var currentimage = 0; //starting image var imageelement = document.getelementbyid("slideimg") //put in id instead of 'name' 

accordingly, can re-use same < img > tag on page, need re-point it's image tag.

function navigate(direction) {     switch(direction){ //using modulo , adding length of array, ensure positive offsets within array.     case "back" : currentimage = (currentimage-- +images.length)%images.length;     case "forward" :  (currentimage++ +images.length)%images.length; }  imageelement.src = images[currentimage]; } 

now should able call navigate function within onclick of elements add on page perform navigations. similarly, should able call within timer.


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