- Web Deployment tools for Visual Studio 2013 -

i responsible supporting relatively complex website project written .net 3.5.

previously using web deployment project visual studio 2010 deploy website @ moment have access visual studio 2013.

as far know, there no longer such tool used deployment in visual studio 2013 , want compile code before deploying production server. mentioned earlier, project bit complex , not easy converted web application.

any idea?

unless missed it, unsure issue - in vs2013, publish looking (either website or application).

what mean "none of (vs 2013 publish) options worked"? is/was issue?

in 1 of comments, state want "pre-compile" (aka "don't want upload .cs source files) , that's setting in publish.

pre-compile options

you can publish local file system: "custom" -> file system:

publish fs


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