javascript - How to Add Rows/ Columns of Divs -

code here:

i know i've asked question before, wasn't able working answer that. i'm working on game starts out 4 4 grid, , when click on 1 of divs, toggles color of divs above, below, , next 2 1 being clicked on. part working fine, , when other color, switch original color. however, i'm trying has presented more of challenge. once second color, want add column , row , reset them original color.

this have run trouble. reason, grid isn't recreated. guys come in. need hep writing function or edits original script make happen. have on jsfiddle here

i'll post of code here.

<!doctype html> <body>     <div id="button" class="on hover"></div> <br>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div> <br>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div> <br>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div> <br>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div>     <div class="block hover"></div> </body> 

the css

.block {     height:100px;     width:100px;     border-radius:10px;     display:inline-block;     background-color:#33ccff; } #button {     height:100px;     width:410px;     border-radius:10px;     display:inline-block;     background-color:#ff6666;     margin-bottom:10px; } .on {     background-color:#d633ff; } 

the javascript/jquery

var main = function () {     var checkall = function () {         var alldivs = $("div.block");         var classeddivs = $("div.block.on");          var alldivshaveclass = (alldivs.length === classeddivs.length);          if (alldivshaveclass) {             alldivs.removeclass("on");         }     };     $("div").mouseenter(function () {         $(this).fadeto("slow", 0.25);         $(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');     });     $("div").mouseleave(function () {         $(this).fadeto("slow", 1);         $(this).css('cursor', 'default');     });     $(".block").click(function () {         $(this).toggleclass("on");         $(this).prev().toggleclass("on");         $(this).nextall().eq(4).toggleclass("on");         $(this).next().toggleclass("on");         $(this).prevall().eq(4).toggleclass("on");         checkall();     });     $("#button").click(function () {         $(".block").removeclass("on");     });     $(document).keydown(function (key) {         if (event.which === 32) {             $(".block").removeclass("on");         }     }); };  $(document).ready(main); 

any welcome!

while think both html , javascript can use lot more improvements, here's bare minimum working:

first of all, because amount of blocks per row (and amount of rows) going change, can't use hardcoded .eq(4) filter anymore. need track variable number , add 1 every new level.

var blocksperrow = 4; 

replace hardcoded .eq(4) .eq(blocksperrow) now.

whenever want add new block each row have find <br> element , add new block after it. can create new block cloning random 1 (i chose first one). use true argument when cloning copy events bound it:

var newblock = $('.block:first'); $('br').after( newblock.clone(true) );  

you want add entire row, either use variable before , add many blocks, or grab last br plus items follow , clone those. append them after last block.

var newrow = $('br:last').nextall().andself(); $('.block:last').after( newrow.clone(true) ); 

now time update variable


last thing fix styling. use inline blocks , rely on spaces between elements create whitespace. breaks when clone last row, it's better rely on actual margins spacing anyway. did trick:

.block {     float: left;     display: block;     margin: 3px; } br {     clear: both; } 

here see working example: jsfiddle

as can see added "cheat" button can check works.


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