c# - Saving multiple screenshots -

my goal capture screen shots of entire desktop.

i have set timer 5 second interval testing purposes.

i using code screenshots:

int screenleft = systeminformation.virtualscreen.left; int screentop = systeminformation.virtualscreen.top; int screenwidth = systeminformation.virtualscreen.width; int screenheight = systeminformation.virtualscreen.height; using (bitmap bmp = new bitmap(screenwidth, screenheight)) {     using (graphics g = graphics.fromimage(bmp))     {         g.copyfromscreen(screenleft, screentop, 0, 0, bmp.size);     }      bmp.save(screenpath); } 

as screen path

string screenpath = @"c://eventscout/screen " + datetime.now.tostring("yyyymmddhhmmss") + ".png"; 

everything working fine aside fact end 1 screenshot.

what doing wrong? ideas, or leads?

you need change file name saving on each iteration.


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