I am trying to run R scripts in C# with the below code snippet. But the output gets repeated -
process cmdprocess = new process { startinfo = { filename = "cmd.exe", workingdirectory = "c:/program files/r/r-3.0.2/bin", arguments = " /c r --slave --args $@ ", useshellexecute = false, redirectstandardoutput = true, redirectstandarderror = true, redirectstandardinput = true, createnowindow = true, } }; cmdprocess.start(); cmdprocess.beginoutputreadline(); foreach (var item in file.readalllines(“audit.r”)) { cmdprocess.standardinput.writeline(item); cmdprocess.outputdatareceived += cmdprocess_outputdatareceived; } }
and try output using following event.
public void cmdprocess_outputdatareceived(object sender,datareceivedeventargs e) { this.resulttext += e.data + "\n"; }
i output repeated. input r script,
getwd() data<-read.csv("audit.csv") str(data)
can me on issue?
it looks adding outputdatareceived event handler multiple times (resulting in multiple calls per event). might rewrite this, substitute r file io below instead of hard coded string:
public class testrprocess { public stringbuilder output = new stringbuilder(); public stringbuilder error = new stringbuilder(); string script = @"getwd() a<-1:3 b<-4:6 data<-data.frame(a,b) str(data) q() "; public void process() { processstartinfo processparameters = new processstartinfo(@"c:\program files\r\r-3.1.1\bin\r.exe") { arguments = "--vanilla --slave", createnowindow = true, useshellexecute = false, redirectstandarderror = true, redirectstandardinput = true, redirectstandardoutput = true }; int max_time = 10000; process p = new process(); p.startinfo = processparameters; //borrowed: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139593/processstartinfo-hanging-on-waitforexit-why output = new stringbuilder(); error = new stringbuilder(); using (autoresetevent outputwaithandle = new autoresetevent(false)) using (autoresetevent errorwaithandle = new autoresetevent(false)) { p.outputdatareceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.data == null) { outputwaithandle.set(); } else { output.appendline(e.data); } }; p.errordatareceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.data == null) { errorwaithandle.set(); } else { error.appendline(e.data); } }; p.start(); p.standardinput.writeline(script); p.beginoutputreadline(); p.beginerrorreadline(); if (p.waitforexit(max_time) && outputwaithandle.waitone(max_time) && errorwaithandle.waitone(max_time)) { } else { throw new exception("timed out"); } } }
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