mysql - Storing joda datetime using slick, always stores UTC datetime -

i having problems storing datetime value in mysql db using slick, have case class this:

case class facebookshares(   var id: int,   var designid: int,   var shareorgid: string,   var sharerid: int,   var sharedlink: string,   var sharedtimestamp: instant,   var shareddatetime: datetime,   var modifiedtimestamp: instant) {   def this() = this(0, 0, "", 0, "","america/new_york")).toinstant,"america/new_york")), } 

and slick projection class:

class facebookshareprojection(tag: tag) extends table[facebookshares](tag, "facebook_shares_47") {   def id: column[int] = column[int]("id", o.primarykey)   def designid: column[int] = column[int]("fs_design_id")   def shareorgid: column[string] = column[string]("fs_share_org_id")   def sharerid: column[int] = column[int]("fs_sharer_id")   def sharedlink: column[string] = column[string]("fs_shared_link")   def sharedtimestamp: column[instant] = column[instant]("fs_shared_timestamp")   def shareddatetime: column[datetime] = column[datetime]("fs_shared_datetime")   def modifiedtimestamp: column[instant] = column[instant]("fs_modified_timestamp")    def * : provenshape[facebookshares] = (id, designid, shareorgid, sharerid, sharedlink, sharedtimestamp, shareddatetime, modifiedtimestamp) <> (     ((facebookshares.apply _): (int, int, string, int, string, instant, datetime, instant) => facebookshares).tupled,     facebookshares.unapply)  } 

now when try insert data, resultant date in mysql table shows timestamp of utc timezone, when have defined timezone "america/new_york"

def store() = {     val timestamp ="america/new_york")).toinstant     sqldb.withsession { implicit session =>       shareprojection += facebookshares(0, 0, "", 0, "", timestamp,"america/new_york")),     }   } 

why date being stored in utc timezone rather est timezone


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