xamarin - How to Return All Rows in a Table of Azure Mobile Service .Net Backend -

how can fetch rows of table in azure mobile services .net backend no clause. here attempt , not working. saying undefined member.

public async task<list<customer>> fetchallcustomers()        {            var allcustomers = new list<customer>();            try            {                var list = await _customertable.tolistasync();                foreach (var customer in list)                {                    allcustomers.add(customer);                }            }            catch (exception e)            {                log.info(tag, "error fetching customers" + e.message);            }             return allcustomers; } 

how can re-write simple method fetch customers in customer table in azure service. calling xamarin.android client , have added items table.

carlos have answered similar question here azure mobile service query doesn't return rows

i added new field called active can apply where(active = customer.active);

the query looks this

var list = await _customertable.take(100).where(active => customer.active).tolistasync(); 


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