c++ - CMake not detecting CXX but detecting CPP files -

i'm trying learn cmake http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake_tutorial.html , running trouble first step of running simple file tutorial.cpp.

the issue when have command in cmakelists.txt file

add_executable(tutorial tutorial.cpp) 

it builds fine.

however, when change to

add_executable(tutorial tutorial.cxx) 

it gives following error

-- configuring done cmake error @ src/cmakelists.txt:6 (add_executable):   cannot find source file:      tutorial.cxx    tried extensions .c .c .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .m .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp   .hxx .in .txx   -- build files have been written to: /home/vaisagh/workspace/test/build 

my directory structure this:

. ├── build ├── cmakelists.txt └── src     ├── cmakelists.txt     └── tutorial.cpp  2 directories, 3 files 


#specify version being used aswell language cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8.11) #name project here project(tutorial) add_subdirectory(src) 


#specify version being used aswell language cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8.11) add_executable(tutorial tutorial.cxx) 

tried extensions .c .c... indicates cmake tried search tutorial.cxx.c, tutorial.cxx.c, etc.

the source filename given add_executable must match actual filename on disc.

  1. rename tutorial.cpp tutorial.cxx -or-
  2. change add_executable(tutorial tutorial.cxx) add_executable(tutorial tutorial.cpp)


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