How do I modify the legend in a Matlab plot? -

i draw 4 circles of 2 colors. i'm using circle function draw circle. i'm facing problem legend(). colors 2 data same color.

function main clear clc  circle([ 10,  0], 3, 'b') circle([-10,  0], 3, 'b') circle([ 10, 10], 3, 'r') circle([-10, 10], 3, 'r')      % nested function draw circle     function circle(center,radius, color)      axis([-20, 20, -20 20])      hold on;      angle = 0:0.1:2*pi;       grid on       x = center(1) + radius*cos(angle);      y = center(2) + radius*sin(angle);      plot(x,y, color, 'linewidth', 2);      xlabel('x-axis');      ylabel('y-axis');      title('est vs tr')      legend('true','estimated');     end   end 

the following picture shows problem. both colored blue instead 1 of them red.

enter image description here

any suggestions?

the thing draw 4 things , have 2 entries in legend. such pick color of first 4 things color legend.

not in opportunity try myself now, guess easiest 'solution' draw third circle first , second one.

circle([ 10,  0], 3, 'b') circle([ 10, 10], 3, 'r') circle([-10,  0], 3, 'b') circle([-10, 10], 3, 'r') 


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