how to get the value from json in android -

hi getting following json pentaho server,how need date json

"queryinfo":{     "totalrows":"1" }, "resultset":[     [         "09-09-2014"     ] ], "metadata":[     {         "colindex":0,         "coltype":"string",         "colname":"dt"     } ] 


the best way use gson deserilize string: create class in separate file.

import java.util.list;  import;  public class pentaho {      public queryinfo queryinfo;      public static class queryinfo {         public list<result> metadata;          public static class result {             @serializedname("colindex")             public string colindexstr;              @serializedname("coltype")             public string coltypestr;              @serializedname("colname")             public string colnamestr;         }      }  } 

in activity

      public pentaho pentahoresult; 

in functions.

private void getjson(string jsonstr){   gson gson = new gson();   pentahoresult = gson.fromjson(jsonstr, pentaho.class); 

now can go through each result if there more 1 replacing 0 loop variable int i.

string mycolindex = pentahoresult.d.results.get(0).colindexstr; string mycoltype = pentahoresult.d.results.get(0).coltypestr; string mycolname = pentahoresult.d.results.get(0).colnamestr; 

have fun.


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