oracle11g - Check if Oracle table exists with Puppet -

i'm setting puppet provision file install, configure , restore dump file oracle database.

i include check in exec command in order check if restore successful.

here have far:

exec {"import-dump":   command => "impdp system/password dumpfile=mydump.dmp logfile=import-dump.log schemas=myschema",   path    => "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/",   -- check if import command runned ---   require => exec["install-oracle"], } 

i use approach following:

exec { "import-dump":   command => "impdp system/password dumpfile=mydump.dmp logfile=import-dump.log schemas=myschema",   path    => "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/",   unless  => "/bin/grep 'terminated successfully' /path/to/import-dump.log",   require => exec["install-oracle"], } 

in way can check if previous import job run successfully.


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