python - Flask partial view like MVC 3 -

is there .net mvc 3's partial view in flask?
want embed widget in 1 view page,and widget has own logic.

there several ways include content in jinja2 template:

the include statement render supplied view (with current context default):

{# in your_view_template.jinja #} {# ... code ... #} {% include "widgets/your_widget.jinja" %} {# ... code ... #} 

you can define macros , import them view template:

{# in your_view_template.jinja #} {% import "widgets/your_widget.jinja" your_widget %} {# ... code ... #} {{ you_widget.render(your, important, variables, etc.) }} {# ... code ... #} 

both import , include can use variables, possible:

# in view if complex_conditions.are_true():     widget = "widgets/special_custom_widget.jinja" else:     widget = "widgets/boring_widget.jinja" render_template("your_view.jinja", widget=widget)  {# in your_view_template.jinja #} {% include widget %} {#  import widget sidebar_widget  {{ sidebar_widget.render() }} work  #} 

these both work mvc's partial views (at least, inasmuch understand them)

alternately, if widget needs access acls or information should not available template layer , cannot re-write view take advantage of include , import can take @[alex morega]'s suggestion , pass in callable variable template , render there.

# in view render_template("your_view.jinja", widget=you_callable, etc, etc, etc)  {# in your_view_template.jinja #} {# ... code ... #} {{ widget() }} {# or, if returning html not markup construct #} {{ widget() | safe }} {# ... code ... #} 

you even create own template loader , load different templates depending on anything. overkill case.


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