c++ - Compile error using gcc - strprintf("%"PRId64, n) -

i trying compile code github on my, (up date), centos 6.5 using gcc++.
error message below when try compile code.

the line below 1 failing:

... #define __stdc_format_macros 1  ... #include <inttypes.h>  ... inline std::string i64tostr(int64_t n) {   return strprintf("%"prid64, n);   // <-- errors here. }  ... 

and error is:

error: expected ')' before 'prid64 

what issue , how resolve it?

edit 1: line of code failing.

edit 2: replacing code printf("%" prid64, n); (note space), suggested in proposed answer not work, (the same error message given).

it seems, error somewhere outer. - http://ideone.com/dqemty - copied code, but mistaked , missed # sign before define __stdc_format_macros 1, , ... i've got same error near prid64. try comment half of code before suspicious line, half , on.


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