c# - Is it possible to obtain Request Body via Application_BeginRequest? -

just stated title; researching didn't find specifics on retrieving full request body post. ideas if possible, need populate server variable iis.

i have following code:

private void application_beginrequest(object source, eventargs e)         {             httpapplication application = (httpapplication)source;             bindingflags temp = bindingflags.nonpublic | bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.static;              methodinfo addstatic = null;             methodinfo makereadonly = null;             methodinfo makereadwrite = null;              type type = application.request.servervariables.gettype();             methodinfo[] methods = type.getmethods(temp);              foreach (methodinfo method in methods)             {                 switch (method.name)                 {                     case "makereadwrite":                          makereadwrite = method;                         break;                     case "makereadonly":                          makereadonly = method;                         break;                     case "addstatic":                          addstatic = method;                         break;                 }             }              makereadwrite.invoke(application.request.servervariables, null);              //goal retrieve request body populate server variable, display via iis.             //my current use of application.request.form doesn't work of course.             string[] values = { "requestformparams", application.request.form.tostring() };              addstatic.invoke(application.request.servervariables, values);             makereadonly.invoke(application.request.servervariables, null);         } 


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