iOS Objective-C wrap text of UITextField in UIAlertView and dynamically adjust height based on content -

i have uialertview alertviewstyle of uialertviewstyleplaintextinput. i'm trying find way make uitextfield of uialertview adjust height , wrap text based on content user types.

to quite honest, haven't slightest clue how this.

here of code:

-(void)updateticket:(id)sender {     uibutton *sndr = (uibutton*)sender;     int index = sndr.tag;      uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] init];     [alert settag:-7];     [alert setdelegate:self];     [alert settitle:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"update ticket #%i", [ticketids[index] intvalue]]];     alert.alertviewstyle = uialertviewstyleplaintextinput;     [alert textfieldatindex:0].placeholder = @"note";     [alert textfieldatindex:0].tag = index;     [alert textfieldatindex:0].autocapitalizationtype = uitextautocapitalizationtypesentences;     [alert textfieldatindex:0].autocorrectiontype = uitextautocorrectiontypeyes;     [alert textfieldatindex:0].autoresizingmask = uiviewautoresizingflexibleheight;     [alert addbuttonwithtitle:@"cancel"];     [alert addbuttonwithtitle:@"ok"];     [alert setcancelbuttonindex:0];     [alert show]; } 

it not possible have uitextfield multiple lines , dynamic height.

to achieve please create custom alert , add uitextview uitextviewcan have multiple lines. override textviewdidchange: , calculate size of text in textview sizewithfont:constrainedtosize:linebreakmode:. return cgsize based on height adjust height of uitextview , alert.



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