php - MongoDB Update GridFS Record -

i have implemented crud operations using php + mongodb. below code used upload file using gridfs.

$conn = new mongoclient();             $db = $conn->selectdb('mydb');             $gridfs = $db->getgridfs('uploads');              foreach ($_files $file) {                  if(in_array($file['type'], $acceptedtypes)){                      $id = $gridfs->storefile($file['tmp_name'], array('filename' => $file['name'], 'type' => $file['type'], "id"=> 13, "parentid" => "10", "title" => $file['name'], "isfolder" => 0));                   }else{                      echo 'file not of correct type';                 }             }     $conn->close();` 

i able upload document using above code, when try update title of file not work. code update file name below.

$files = $db->fs->uploads; $primid = $_get['id_value']; $renametitle = $_get['name']; $updatedata = array("title" => $renametitle, "updateddate" => date('y-m-d'));  $files->update(array("id" => $primid), array( '$set' => $updatedata )); $conn->close(); 

this update title of file id passed. code works if need update record not working gridfs file upload.

to more precise if pass id below,

$file = $gridfs->findone(array('id' => 13)); **//works**  $file = $gridfs->findone(array('id' => $_get['id'])); **//do not works** 

is there other method used in order update gridfs records ?


finally figured out.

mongodb needs integer variable create right query.

if using $_get or $_post values directly, should first convert integer value. in project works :

$id = (int)$_get["id"];  $file = $gridfs->findone(array('id' => $id)); **//works charm** 

hope helps someone.


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