c++ - Access violation writing location 0xCCCCCCC? -

when try push_back element, gives me error "unhandled exception @ 0.x00d644ab in project.exe: 0xc000005: access violation writing location 0xccccccc." i've tried looking solution, can't seem find 1 relates me. tons.

    sdal(){         t* list = new t(50);         size1=50;         numberofelements=0;     }      void push_back( const t& element ) {         numberofelements++;         if(numberofelements>=size1-1){             expandarray();         }         list[numberofelements-1]=element;     } 

the error points "list[numberofelements-1]=element;" when debug it.

the full code here:

template <typename t>  class sdal {  private:      int size1;      int numberofelements;      t* list;   public:     sdal(){         t* list = new t[50];         size1=50;         numberofelements=0;     }     sdal(int x){         t* list = new t[x];         size1=x;         numberofelements=0;     }     void expandarray(){         int tmpsize = size1;         size1=(int)((double)size1*1.5);         t* tmp = new t[size1];         for(int x=0; x<tmpsize; x++){             tmp[x]=list[x];         }         list=tmp;     }     void push_back( const t& element ) {         numberofelements++;         if(numberofelements>=size1-1){             expandarray();         }         list[numberofelements-1]=element;     } 

visual c++ fills uninitialized memory 0xcccccccc in debug-mode, because that's more caught. trapping on access 0xcccccccc should quite useful hint.

your error simple:

you allocating memory in ctor store containers elements, but:

  • you allocate enough 1 element.
  • you assign temporary instead of member.

using still uninitialized pointer naturally trap on first access.


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