c# - FileNotFoundException was unhandled - But the file is there -

i'm struggling this. wpf app, in debug/release works fine. after publish it, via installshield express, runtime exception , program crashes.

when program crashes, can choose debug program in visual studio, breaks in relaycommand looks like

public class relaycommand : icommand {     public action<object> _execute;      public relaycommand(action<object> execute)     {         this._execute = execute;     }      public bool canexecute(object parameter)     {         return true;     }      public event eventhandler canexecutechanged;      public void execute(object parameter)     {         this._execute(parameter); // breakpoint     } } 

the error message is

filenotfoundexception unhandled
not load file or assembly 'taskscheduler, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified

i'm lost why is. have other commands on page, , set in following manner

   public icommand savescheduledtaskcommand { get; set; }    public icommand openfilecommand { get; set; }      #region constructor      public myapp()     {         openfilecommand = new relaycommand(new action<object>(openfile)));         scheduledtaskcommand = new relaycommand(new action<object>(savescheduledtask));     }      #endregion      private void openfile(object o)     {         messagebox.show("of"); //works fine     }          private void savescheduledtask(object o)     {         messagebox.show("ts"); //never shows         taskscheduler ts = new taskscheulder();         //more code     }     

i guess issue taskscheduler.dll (based upon error message) but, .dll exists in installed folder (under c:\program files\compamy\myapp)...

i don't think matters but, taskscheduler.dll saved outside of project (it saved on desktop) assume not relevant installer take copy of , save program files folder way?

i used installshield express create installer , other this, works fine. 3rd party dll, xceed, , work fine in app.

i'm totally lost can can't see how can fix code! why can't application "see" dll?

since taskscheduler included because missing include assembly referenced taskscheduler.dll.

debug step 1
inspect dependencies of taskscheduler.dll , make sure include dependencies in installation package (except framework assemblies).

debug step 2
if cannot inspect dependencies of taskscheduler.dll follow guide, how enable assembly bind failure logging (fusion) in .net, find out assemblies missing.


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