c# - Getting the bytes[] / stream of an Image or ImageSource in Xamarin.Forms? -

i've been digging xamarin.forms.labs learn more how images accessed , manipulated. saving image android/ios photo gallery works fine, retrieving image either, @ least user interaction.

the problem i'd able save files internally program. saving file doesn't seem problem - i've written interface/dependencyservice solution that.

what can't seem access bytes[] or stream of image data xamarin.forms image or imagesource. reading stream imagesource relatively straightforward static method, how these bytes out in order save file within program itself?

to frame this: i'm working on app right user takes/selects pictures include within form, , form posted website. being able save pictures, or access data in order transfer it, pretty key.

one hacky way write custom renderer image. renderer byte[]/stream native control. here's rough implementation without error handling started:

public class myimage : image {     public func<byte[]> getbytes { get; set; } } 

here's ios renderer:

public class myimagerenderer : imagerenderer {     protected override void onelementchanged(elementchangedeventargs<image> e)     {         base.onelementchanged(e);          var newimage = e.newelement myimage;         if (newimage != null)         {             newimage.getbytes = () =>             {                 return this.control.image.aspng().toarray();             };         }          var oldimage = e.oldelement myimage;         if (oldimage != null)         {             oldimage.getbytes = null;         }     } } 

the android 1 little more involved:

public class myimagerenderer : imagerenderer {     protected override void onelementchanged(elementchangedeventargs<image> e)     {         base.onelementchanged(e);          var newimage = e.newelement myimage;         if (newimage != null)         {             newimage.getbytes = () =>             {                 var drawable = this.control.drawable;                 var bitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(drawable.intrinsicwidth, drawable.intrinsicheight, bitmap.config.argb8888);                 drawable.draw(new canvas(bitmap));                 using (var ms = new memorystream())                 {                     bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, ms);                     return ms.toarray();                 }             };         }          var oldimage = e.oldelement myimage;         if (oldimage != null)         {             oldimage.getbytes = null;         }     } } 

and finally, usage kind of obvious:

var bytes = myimage.getbytes?.invoke(); 

extending idea support streams should pretty straightforward. obvious caveat forms control (myimage) retains reference renderer via getbytes(), seems unavoidable.


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