cordova - Unable to download pdf using phonegap app -

i have created 1 app. in want feature download pdf

  1. my app redirects following url when

now, when redirect app mobile's browser.i can download pdf when click on of pdf's poster. when using phonegap build this.unable download pdf have tried following : 1. inappbrowser using _blank,_system. 2. have tried using file-transfer plugin downloading absolute url of server ex:

if have 100% working solution inappbrowser or file-transfer plugin please put code.

many in advance.

source =

fpath = your_file_path; //use filesystem file path.

 downloadbook: function(source, fpath)  {      var filetransfer = new filetransfer();,fpath,function(entry) {      },      function(error) {          console.log("download error target " + error.code);      });  } 


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