css - checkbox style is missing when form is submitted and angular scope variable is refreshed -

i have application uses charisma template 1.x, have used angularjs within template. application working fine problem having tab grid within there form submit window. in each group tab having n number of checkboxes, after clicking of checkboxes when click submit button, particular ng-submit action performed apart form action trying refresh scope values given below

$scope.records = angular.copy($scope.recordcopy);   

the functionality working fine style of checkbox lost, sample mockup shown in plunker, there before clicking save notice style of checkbox, after clicking save button can see style of checkbox gone, still functionality working fine.

can please tell me solution retaining checkbox style

browser: firefox


i don't know why style of checkbox lost.

but desappears because using of angular.copy wrong.

please see definition of function copy here : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.copy

angular.copy(source, [destination]); 

your code becomes :


i hope answer fit you.


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