gson - OutOfMemoryError when try to store big data in SharedPreferences, Android -

problem: want store huge map of objects (1000 contacts) sharedpreferences.

i have cordova application 1st time load contacts , convert photos base64 string.

generally process might take 30 sec. reason goal store contacts string sharedpreferences load after quickly.

i use gson library no matter do, get:

java.lang.outofmemoryerror        @ java.lang.string.<init>(        @ java.lang.string.<init>(        @ 

this method convert map bytearrayoutputstream exception in last line: out.tostring()

public static string getstrfromgroupslistjsonobject(concurrenthashmap<string, wmcontactimage> contactmap){          gson gson = getinstance();           outputstream out = new bytearrayoutputstream();          try {             jsonwriter writer = new jsonwriter(new outputstreamwriter(out, "utf-8"));              iterator<string> = contactmap.keyset().iterator();              wmcontactimage img;              writer.beginobject(); // {               while(it.hasnext()){                 string key =;        ;                  img = contactmap.get(key);                  gson.tojson(img, wmcontactimage.class, writer);             }                         writer.endobject();   // }             writer.close();                      } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          return out.tostring();     }  

is there other way store map in sharedpreferences or can somehow store outputstream?

use file . shared preferences not supposed store big data. use file or sqlote database.


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