Save multiple results of foreach loops in R -

suppose have following simple for loops simulation , ols estimation:

set.seed (12345) m <- rnorm(20, 0, 1) n <- 10 b1 <- 0.5 b2 <- 2 model1_b <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=2) model2_b <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=2) error <- matrix(nrow=20, ncol=n)  (a in 1:2){  (b in 1:4){     x <- (m+a)/b     (r in 1:10){      repeat {         e <- rnorm(20, 0, 0.5) # error term        error[,r] <- e         # ols estimation of model_1        y=b1 + b2*x + e # true model 1        model_1 <- lm (y~x)        model1_b[r,]=model_1$coef         # ols estimation of model_2        y=b1 + b2*(x^2) + e # true model 2        model_2 <- lm (y~x)        model2_b[r,]=model_2$coef         if (model_1$coef[1]!=0 & model_2$coef[1]!=0) {break}       } # end of repeat{} loop     } # end of for(r){} loop    } # end of for(b){} loop   } # end of for(a){} loop    error   model1_b   model2_b 

i want convert these nested for loops nested foreach loops, such parallel computing. can see that, data generated within loops, such error, model1_b, model2_b, saved 1 one in matrices defined before running loop. question is: how can save these results in foreach loops? no matter in list, data frame or matrix.

(note: actual model more complex, , first (outer) , second loops relatively small in size. third (inner) loop quite large. maybe don't need nested foreach loops, , it's ok parallelize inner loop. appreciate if guys can teach me how save results on both situations (using 3 nested foreach loops , using foreach on inner loop).

concerning store results(error, model1_b , model2_b) in foreach loop, answer can found @ saving multiple outputs of foreach dopar loop

and %dorng% might used instead of using %dopar%.


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