Modifying strings in Java practice -

this question has answer here:

public static void displaywords(string line) {   // while line has length greater 0   //   find index of space.   //   if there one,   //    print substring 0 space   //    change line substring space end   //   else   //    print line , set equal empty string  }   line = "i love you";   system.out.printf("\n\n\"%s\" contains words:\n", line );   displaywords(line); 

hi, i'm having trouble above code, it;s practice problem "change line substring space end" confuses me. know how find index of space , printing string beginning index.

expected output:

i love 

slaks recommending in comment use substring() method. checking api documentation string:

public string substring(int beginindex, int endindex)

returns new string substring of string. substring begins @ specified beginindex , extends character @ index endindex - 1. length of substring endindex-beginindex.


  • "hamburger".substring(4, 8) returns "urge"
  • "smiles".substring(1, 5) returns "mile"

so, consider this:

public static void displaywords(string line) {     while(line.length() > 0) { // first part (the obvious one)         /*            should here tracks index of first space             character in line. suggest check `charat()` method, , use             for() loop.            let's find space @ index          */          system.out.println(line.substring(0,i)); // prints substring of line                                                   // goes beginning                                                   // (index 0) position right                                                   // before space          /*            finally, here should assign new value line, value must start            after found space , end @ end of line.            hint: use substring() again, , remember line.lengh() give                  position of last character of line plus one.           */     } } 

you've had enough time... , i'm feeling generous tonight. here solution:

public static void displaywords(string line) {     int i; // you'll need     while(line.length() > 0) { // first part (the obvious one)         /*            here, check each character , if find space, break loop          */         for(i = 0; < line.length(); i++) {             if(line.charat(i) == ' ') // if character @ index space ...                 break;                // ... break loop         }         system.out.println(line.substring(0,i)); // prints substring of line                                                  // goes beginning                                                  // (index 0) position right                                                  // before space         /*           here, new value of line substring position of space           plus 1 end of line. if greater length of line           you're done.          */         if(i < line.length())             line = line.substring(i + 1, line.length());         else             line = "";     } } 

after reading question again, realised should recursive solution... here recursive approach:

public static void displaywords(string line) {     int i;     for(i = 0; < line.lengh(); i++) {         if(line.charat(i) = ' ')             break;     }     system.out.println(line.substring(0, i);     if(i < line.lengh())         line = line.substring(i + 1, line.lengh();     else         line = "";     if(line.lengh() > 0)         displaywords(line); } 


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