objective c - UITableView iOS 8 Xcode 6.0.1 Unrecognised Selector Send To Instance -

i have simple uitableview. works fine on ios 7 on ios 8 not. have custom uitableviewcell contains text labels, buttons, images. when press button inside tableview cell got error. here code:

-(ibaction)addtofavorites:(id)sender {      uibutton *editbutton = (uibutton*)sender;     getmoretableviewcell *editcell = (getmoretableviewcell*)[[[editbutton superview] superview] superview];     int editindex = (int)[[_chapters indexpathforcell:editcell] row];      [self readtopscoreplist];      if([[[[_data valueforkey:key] valueforkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",editindex]] valueforkey:@"isdefault"] boolvalue] == yes) {         [editcell.addbutton setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"fav_0.png"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];         [self savetoplist:no sender:sender];         nslog(@"new %@",[[[_data valueforkey:key] valueforkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",editindex]] valueforkey:@"isdefault"]);     }     else {         [editcell.addbutton setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"fav_1.png"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];         [self savetoplist:yes sender:sender];         nslog(@"new %@",[[[_data valueforkey:key] valueforkey:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",editindex]] valueforkey:@"isdefault"]);     } } 

the method called getting exception here:[editcell.addbutton setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"fav_0.png"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];

and expection getting is:

2014-09-22 10:08:28.223 handyhoch[657:252982] -[uitableviewwrapperview addbutton]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x17e9fd80 

i guessing addbutton cannot finded, should in ios 8? in advance.

the uitableviewcell custom class:   @implementation getmoretableviewcell  @synthesize  ttitle, cellimage, cellbackground, changebutton, deletebutton,addbutton;  -(id)initwithstyle:(uitableviewcellstyle)style reuseidentifier:(nsstring *)reuseidentifier {     self = [super initwithstyle:style reuseidentifier:reuseidentifier];     if(self) {          ttitle.textcolor = [uicolor whitecolor];         ttitle.numberoflines = 30;         ttitle.linebreakmode = nslinebreakbycharwrapping;         ttitle.textalignment = nstextalignmentcenter;         [self.contentview addsubview:ttitle];         [self.contentview addsubview:addbutton];         [self setautoresizessubviews:yes];      }     return self; }  @end 

it seems view hierarchy changed in ios 8, (getmoretableviewcell*)[[[editbutton superview] superview] superview]; returns different view. easiest solution change number of superview calls ios 8. more reliable solution connect target getmoretableviewcell.


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