php - Increment Index in $_POST Array -

i have section of php code need $_post index increment 1 each time goes through "do while" loop. in other words, first occurrence $_post['tableserver1'], next 1 $_post['tableserver2'], etc. loops 6 times , stops.

i have tried using variables index, trying them increment. found example in php manual increments number @ end of string, i'm not having luck getting work inside $_post index.

this section of code creates set of 6 select lists contain names database. trying select lists populate $_post value if set, other wise zero.

here code:

<?php      $x = 1;  {     ?>     <blockquote>         <p><?php echo $x . "."; ?>             <select name="tableserver<?php echo $x; ?>" id="tableserver<?php echo $x; ?>">                 <option selected value="0" <?php                 if (!(strcmp(0, '$tableserver.$x'))) {                     echo "selected=\"selected\"";                 }                 ?>>select server</option>                         <?php                         {                             if (strpos($row_getnamesrs['service'], '22') !== false) {                                 ?>                         <option value="<?php echo $row_getnamesrs['memberid'] ?>" <?php                         if (!(strcmp($row_getnamesrs['memberid'], '$tableserver.$x'))) {                             echo "selected=\"selected\"";                         }                         ?>><?php                                     echo ucfirst(strtolower($row_getnamesrs['first_name']))                                     . "&nbsp;" . ucfirst(strtolower($row_getnamesrs['last_name']))                                     ?></option>                         <?php                     }                 } while ($row_getnamesrs = mysqli_fetch_assoc($getnamesrs));                 $rows = mysqli_num_rows($getnamesrs);                 if ($rows > 0) {                     mysqli_data_seek($getnamesrs, 0);                     $row_getnamesrs = mysqli_fetch_assoc($getnamesrs);                 }                 ?>             </select>         </p>     </blockquote>     <?php     $x++; } while ($x <= 6); ?> 

$i=0; do{    echo $_post['someval'.$i]; }while(++$i < 6) 


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