c - How to limit the amount of characters entered -

so, i'm working on simple password program. i've got code far

/* simple  password prog */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(){         char usrin[9];         char password[]={"axcd8002"};         {          fprintf(stdout,"\n password:");         fgets(usrin,9, stdin);         if  ( strcmp(usrin,password)<0 || strcmp(usrin,password )>0 ) {          fprintf(stdout,"\n password incorrect"); };          }while( (strcmp(password,usrin))!=0 );  fprintf(stdout, "\n password correct \n"); return 0; } 

this code works correctly, if password incorrect, loop keep going, if it's correct - loop break. doesn't work this: if user enters password @ least 1 character longer, program still correct. instance, if user enters axcd8002aaa, fgets read axcd8002 , , ignore aaa. how can prevent happening?

usrin has 9 characters, of course characters ignored. give usrin enough space:

char usrin[100]; 

and best practice:

fgets(usrin, sizeof(usrin), stdin); 

there's problem didn't consider: new line character '\n' considered valid character fgets, it's in usrin, need remove manually before comparing passwords.


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