c# - The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance -

when want configure datasource (entitydatasource1) , assign connectionstring generated automatically entity data model it. error:

"the metadata specified in connection string not loaded. consider rebuilding web project build assemblies may contain metadata. following error(s) occurred: provider did not return providermanifest instance".

i read many suggestions http://blogs.teamb.com/craigstuntz/2010/08/13/38628/ suggest replace * assembly-name in connection string. example :

<connectionstrings>     <add name="myentities" connectionstring="metadata=             res://*/model.csdl|             res://*/model.ssdl|             res://*/model.msl;provider= <!-- ... --> 

replace with

<connectionstrings>     <add name="myentities" connectionstring="metadata=             res://simple mvc.data.dll/model.csdl|             res://simple mvc.data.dll/model.ssdl|             res://simple mvc.data.dll/model.msl;provider= <!-- ... --> 

my question is. can find name of assembly? installed .net reflector not find correct assembly name entity data model.

i found solution error.

i keep connectionstring same before (i mean *) opened edmx file notepad , change providermanifesttoken="2012" providermanifesttoken="2008" that's ;)

now can configure entitydatasourc existing connectionstring


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