Compatibility issue with jquery ui.autocomplete -

i using jquery ui.autocomplete. working fine in ie 11. however, having compatibility issues when run project in mozilla(latest) or chrome(latest). have 2 problems this.

  1. how resolve compatibility issue and
  2. what best way handle these compatibility issues? different browsers have different compatibility issues , if make project compatible particular browser, still non-compatible in another.

    is not there way make project compatible in browser?

now, code used try , achieve auto-complete feature provided below:

$(function () { $.extend($.ui.autocomplete.prototype, {     _rendermenu: function (ul, items) {         $(ul).unbind("scroll");         var self = this;         self._scrollmenu(ul, items);     },     _scrollmenu: function (ul, items) {         var self = this;         var maxshow = 10;         var results = [];         var pages = math.ceil(items.length / maxshow);         results = items.slice(0, maxshow);          if (pages > 1) {             $(ul).scroll(function () {                 if (isscrollbarbottom($(ul))) {                     ++window.pageindex;                     if (window.pageindex >= pages) return;                     results = items.slice(window.pageindex * maxshow, window.pageindex * maxshow + maxshow);                     //append item ul                     $.each(results, function (index, item) {                         self._renderitem(ul, item);                     });           ;                     // size , position menu           ;                     self._resizemenu();                     ul.position($.extend({                         of: self.element                     }, self.options.position));                     if (self.options.autofocus) {                $.event("mouseover"));                     }                 }             });         }          $.each(results, function (index, item) {             self._renderitem(ul, item);         });     } }); function isscrollbarbottom(container) {     var height = container.outerheight();     var scrollheight = container[0].scrollheight;     var scrolltop = container.scrolltop();     if (scrolltop >= scrollheight - height) {         return true;     }     return false; }; $("#txtfrom").autocomplete({     source: availabletags,     minlength: 0,     delay: 0 }).focus(function () {     //reset result list's pageindex when focus on     window.pageindex = 0;     $(this).autocomplete("search"); }); $("#txtto").autocomplete({     source: availabletags,     minlength: 0,     delay: 0 }).focus(function () {     //reset result list's pageindex when focus on     window.pageindex = 0;     $(this).autocomplete("search"); });}); 

the compatibility issues listed below:

  • ie11 - working fine.
  • google chrome - scroll bar not visible.
  • firefox - unable select item list.

would let me know can done handle compatibility issue. in advance.

have tried change level of autocomplete dropdown?

.ui-autocomplete {     z-index: 1000; }  .ui-autocomplete {     z-index: 10000;; }  .ui-autocomplete {     z-index: 10000 !important; } 


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