git - How to use the new CredentialsProvider in LibGit2Sharp? -

i using libgit2sharp.credentials class time @ following way:

libgit2sharp.credentials credentials = new usernamepasswordcredentials() {        username = tokenvalue,        password = "" };  var pushoptions = new pushoptions() { credentials = credentials} ; 

now libgit2sharp.pushoptions.credentials obsolate, have use credentialsprovider.

i want ask correct way use credentialsprovider in case?

thank much!

>i want ask correct way work credentialsprovider @ case?

this piece of code should fit need.

var pushoptions = new pushoptions() {      credentialsprovider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new usernamepasswordcredentials     {         username = tokenvalue,         password = ""     } } 

this has been introduced pr #761 in order allow more interactive scenarios (when user being asked credentials part of clone process, instance) , prepare path other kinds of credentials (ssh, instance).

the credentialsprovider callback which

  • passes in url being targeted, username (if specified in url) , type of credentials server accepts
  • expects in return credentials (base type) used during authentication

one can see example of credentialsproviders in action in clonefixture.cs test suite.


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