grails: keep list order when using findAllBy -

i want keep order of first list

def mylist = [444,1111,33333,22222] 

but when use findallby order changed

def mylist2 = mydomain.findallbyrmidinlist(mylist) 

=> out : [1111, 22222, 33333, 444]

there way desactivate order default?


if want keep order of list, can use dynamic finder 'getall()' (here documentation)

retrieves list of instances of domain class specified ids, ordered original ids list. if of provided ids null or there no instances these ids, resulting list have null values in positions.

so try next code:

def mylist2 = mydomain.getall(mylist) 

updated after comments

you can use comparator that. little bit more tricky, should work. below you'll find example:

def mylist = [444,1111,33333,22222] def mc = [compare: { a,b -> a.rmid == b.rmid ? 0 : mylist.indexof(a.rmid) < mylist.indexof(b.rmid) ? -1 : 1 } ] comparator def mylist2 = mydomain.findallbyrmidinlist(mylist) def results = mylist2.sort(mc)   results.each() { } 

hope helps.


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