python - Smooth screen transition using QT -

i'm learning qt, , i'm wondering if it's possible create animation in ubuntu installer.

ubuntu installer design

as can see on screenshot, can switch between 'images' using left , right arrows. each time click on it, smooth transition executed. know if it's possible create kind of design qt, , if it's possible replace 'images' widget various controls inside.

the main goal keep cross-platform compatibility (i'm coding using python), avoid using third -party library.


in ubuntu installer, use html, css , javascript, can same using qwebview.

you can connect javascript functions qt events, need make slides pass every time press button or key on keyboard.

an idea:

make slides images, , build webpage shows images. can use javascript timer set time between slides. hav done add qwebview control render page.

i don't want have images, widget controls in it...

in case recommend take qt animation framework, powerful , easy use.


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