swing - Set cursor for jTabbedPane's tab in java -

i have created custom jtabbedpane class extends basictabbedpaneui , have created desired jtabbedpane problem how can set hand cursor each tab in custom jtabbedpane?

i tried set cursor this

tabbedpane.setui(new custommainmenutabs()); tabbedpane.setcursor(new cursor((cursor.hand_cursor))); 

this sets cursor whole of jtabbedpane want set cursor when mouse hovers on of tab in only.

how can set hand cursor tabs in jtabbedpane?

my code is

import java.awt.color; import java.awt.graphics; import java.awt.graphics2d; import java.awt.geom.rectangle2d; import java.awt.geom.roundrectangle2d; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.basictabbedpaneui;   public class haams  {   //my custom class jtabbedpane   public static class custommainmenutabs extends basictabbedpaneui   {     protected void painttabbackground(graphics g, int tabplacement, int tabindex, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean isselected)     {         graphics2d g2 = (graphics2d) g;          color color;          if (isselected) { color = new color(74, 175, 211); }          else if (getrollovertab() == tabindex) {  color = new color(45, 145, 180); }          else {color = new color(68, 67, 67);}          g2.setpaint(color);         g2.fill(new roundrectangle2d.double(x, y, w, h, 30, 30));          g2.fill(new rectangle2d.double(x + 100,y,w,h));     }   }     public static void main(string[] args)     {      jframe mainscreen = new jframe("custom jtabbedpane");      mainscreen.setextendedstate(mainscreen.getextendedstate() | jframe.maximized_both);       //setting ui jtabbedpane implementing custom class custommainmenutabs      jtabbedpane jtpane = new jtabbedpane(2);      jtpane.setui(new custommainmenutabs());      jtpane.add("1st tabe", new jpanel());      jtpane.add("2nd tabe", new jpanel());      jtpane.add("3rd tabe", new jpanel());       mainscreen.getcontentpane().add(jtpane);      mainscreen.setvisible(true);   } } 

how set cursor hand_cursor cursor when mouse hovers on tab not jpanel or other component. great if done without mouse listener.

i see lot of answers here way complicated (custom uis, listeners, graphics stuff, etc.).

basically, camickr spelled out you. here's simple demo:

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*;  public class jtabbedpanecursordemo implements runnable {   jtabbedpane tabbedpane;    public static void main(string[] args)   {     swingutilities.invokelater(new jtabbedpanecursordemo());   }    public void run()   {     jpanel panela = new jpanel();     jpanel panelb = new jpanel();      tabbedpane = new jtabbedpane();     tabbedpane.addtab("a", panela);     tabbedpane.addtab("b", panelb);      tabbedpane.addmousemotionlistener(new mousemotionlistener()     {       public void mousedragged(mouseevent e) {}        public void mousemoved(mouseevent e)       {         adjustcursor(e);       }     });      jframe frame = new jframe();     frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);     frame.setsize(400, 200);     frame.getcontentpane().add(tabbedpane, borderlayout.center);     frame.setlocationrelativeto(null);     frame.setvisible(true);   }    private void adjustcursor(mouseevent e)   {     tabbedpaneui ui = tabbedpane.getui();     int index = ui.tabforcoordinate(tabbedpane, e.getx(), e.gety());      if (index >= 0)     {       tabbedpane.setcursor(new cursor((cursor.hand_cursor)));     }     else     {       tabbedpane.setcursor(null);     }   } } 


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