class - How can I remove all custom methods and classes from an R workspace? -

i've been experimenting lot s4 classes lately, , pain restart r in order clear class definitions , custom methods workspace. rm(list=ls(all.names=true)) of no use. manually remove classes , methods individually writing lines one-by-one, i'm sure there's got easier way.

an example showcasing problem:

.myclass <- setclass("myclass", representation=representation(myslot="numeric")) myslot <- function(x) x@myslot setmethod("[", signature=c("myclass", "numeric", "missing"), function(x, i, j, ...) {   initialize(x, myslot=myslot(x)[i]) }) 

try remove rm():


however, class definition , custom method still present:

> x <- new("myclass", myslot=1:4) > x[1] error in x[1] : not find function "myslot" 

since myslot() object removed rm, method referencing myslot() remained. i'd know how remove all classes , all custom methods in 1 fell swoop.

it's hard know you're hoping r remember of session. can

removeclass("myclass", where=.globalenv) removemethods("[", where=.globalenv) 

or if you've lost track of what-all you've done following hacks might help

## class definitions prefixed '.__c__' mangled <- grep(".__c__", ls(all=true, envir=.globalenv), value=true) classes <- sub(".__c__", "", mangled) (cl in classes) removeclass(cl, where=.globalenv)  ## methods tables prefixed '.__t__' mangled <- grep(".__t__", ls(all=true, envir=.globalenv), value=true) methods <- unique(sub(".__t__(.*):.*", "\\1", mangled)) (meth in methods) removemethods(meth, where=.globalenv) 


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