Excel VBA Macro from MS Access - object variable or with block variable not set -
answer: set xlbook = xl.workbooks.open(mysheetpath)
i trying troubleshoot else's macro. have macros in access db effect excel workbook.
there 2 segments of code in question.
xlbook.sheets("item detail frozen").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail frozen") xlsheet xlsheet.cells.select xlsheet.range("a1").activate selection.delete shift:=xlup end xlbook.sheets("item detail").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail") xlsheet xl.windowstate = xlminimized activeworkbook.refreshall .range("a1:d1").select .range(selection, activecell.specialcells(xllastcell)).select selection.copy end
i "object variable or block variable not set" on "selection.delete shift:=xlup"
and if comment out on "activeworkbook.refreshall"
i got around 1 actively setting active book, on ".range(selection, activecell.specialcells(xllastcell)).select" same error block/variable not set. i'm @ loss here. when did macro recorder in excel same type of macro works when coming access doesn't it.
here code in entirety.
option compare database option explicit function fileexists(byval filetotest string) boolean fileexists = (dir(filetotest) <> "") end function sub deletefile(byval filetodelete string) deletefile: if fileexists(filetodelete) 'see above on error goto deletefile_errorhandler kill filetodelete end if exit sub deletefile_errorhandler: on error resume next msgbox "there error deleteing file(s), " & filetodelete & _ ". check see if or 1 has of these files open , have them closed; press ok. " end sub public function prepareoutputfile() variant 'variables refer excel , objects dim mysheetpath string dim xl excel.application dim xlbook excel.workbook dim xlsheet excel.worksheet dim newfilepath string dim newpathdir string dim lastslashpos string dim attachmentdir string dim newfilewildcard string dim newfilename string ' tell location of actual excel file mysheetpath = "w:\sams-libertysport\sams-libertysport- week #x - of mm-dd-yyyy.xls" 'open excel , workbook set xl = createobject("excel.application") set xlbook = getobject(mysheetpath) 'make sure excel visible on screen xl.visible = true xlbook.windows(1).visible = true xlbook.sheets("item detail frozen").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail frozen") 'with xlsheet ' .cells.select ' .range("a1:d1").activate ' selection.delete shift:=xlup 'end xlsheet xlsheet.cells.select xlsheet.range("a1").activate selection.delete shift:=xlup end xlbook.sheets("item detail").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail") xlsheet xl.windowstate = xlminimized activeworkbook.refreshall .range("a1:d1").select .range(selection, activecell.specialcells(xllastcell)).select selection.copy end xlbook.sheets("item detail frozen").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail frozen") xlsheet .range("a1").select selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues, operation:=xlnone, skipblanks _ :=false, transpose:=false .range("a1").select selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpasteformats, operation:=xlnone, _ skipblanks:=false, transpose:=false .cells.select .cells.entirecolumn.autofit xl.cutcopymode = false chdir "w:\" newfilepath = replace(replace(replace(mysheetpath, "w:\", "r:\"), _ "#x", "#" & cint(right(dlookup("endingwmweek", "period", "periodcode='lw'"), 2))), _ "mm-dd-yyyy", format(dlookup("[as-of date]", "as-of date"), "mm-dd-yyyy")) lastslashpos = instrrev(newfilepath, "\") attachmentdir = left(newfilepath, lastslashpos - 1) & "\emailattachments" newfilewildcard = mid(newfilepath, lastslashpos + 1, instr(lastslashpos, newfilepath, "-", vbtextcompare) - lastslashpos) & "*.*" newfilename = mid(newfilepath, lastslashpos + 1, len(newfilepath) - lastslashpos) while fileexists(newfilepath) deletefile newfilepath wend activeworkbook.saveas filename:= _ newfilepath, fileformat:= _ xlexcel8, password:="", writerespassword:="", readonlyrecommended:=false _ , createbackup:=false end xlbook.sheets("topline overview").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("topline overview") xlsheet.range("a1").select xlsheet.range("a1").activate activeworkbook.save 'clean , end worksheet visible on screen activeworkbook.close (false) 'discard changes set xlsheet = nothing set xlbook = nothing xl.quit set xl = nothing while fileexists(attachmentdir & "\" & newfilewildcard) deletefile attachmentdir & "\" & newfilewildcard wend filecopy newfilepath, attachmentdir & "\" & newfilename end function public sub preparedownloadedmdbfiles() 'variables refer excel , objects dim mydbpath string dim db database dim newdbname string dim fdr string dim filenames() string dim fileindex integer dim filecount integer fileindex = 0 filenames = getfilenames("w:\lib394a_*.mdb") fileindex = 0 ubound(filenames) - 1 fdr = filenames(fileindex) 'open database set db = workspaces(0).opendatabase("w:\" & fdr) dim td tabledef newdbname = "" each td in db.tabledefs if left(td.name, 4) <> "msys" newdbname = td.name end if next td db.close if newdbname <> "" deletefile "w:\" & newdbname & ".mdb" name "w:\" & fdr "w:\" & newdbname & ".mdb" end if next fileindex end sub public function getfilenames(template string) string() 'given filename template such w:\ab*.*, return array of filenames dim mydbpath string dim db database dim newdbname string dim fdr string dim filenames() string dim fileindex integer dim filecount integer fileindex = 0 redim filenames(0) fdr = dir(template) while fdr <> "" redim preserve filenames(fileindex + 1) filenames(fileindex) = fdr fileindex = fileindex + 1 fdr = dir() loop getfilenames = filenames end function
i altered to
xlbook.sheets("item detail frozen").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail frozen") xlsheet.cells.clear xlbook.sheets("item detail").select set xlsheet = xlbook.worksheets("item detail") xlsheet xl.windowstate = xlminimized xlbook.refreshall xlsheet.range("a1:d1").select xlsheet.range(selection, activecell.specialcells(xllastcell)).select selection.copy end
now error on xlsheet.range(selection, activecell.specialcells(xllastcell)).select , same not set error.
oh- think you're getting error on set.
set xlbook = xl.workbooks.open(mysheetpath)
this deletes data on worksheet, why not just:
worksheets(("item detail frozen").cells.clear
there many times, error not indicate wrong, particularly when controlling 1 office product another. when remove line, , error occurring on following line, clear indication not causing problem.
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