Get TabbedPane tab content background color - Java Swing -

after extensive search, have not been able figure out how color shown in image below pointed red arrow. reason want color value set pane background inside jtabbedpane (blue arrow) same value, there no difference between 2 colors. on windows, color white (red arrow), on mac it's 230, 230, 230 rgb, , on linux depends on gui. so, getting value programatically, wouldn't have set each os.

enter image description here

any idea how accomplish this? i've tried searching 230, 230, 230 in uimanager.getdefaults() there isn't such value.

thanks in advance

consider setting opacity of contained panel false. should let background color of wrapping jtabbedpane reflect through component , achieve desired behaviour. work on platforms , , feels.

something like:



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