java - TRying to creat a stack class whare on class can handle diffrent data types -

i created class simulate stack. right type fixed float. i'v seen in java util class have stack class ware can define type.

i not find on how creat class type 1 of verbols can define when object created. tried googling java template totiol, think in c called templates.

so have classpublic class cstack {

float data[]; int size=0; int pes=0;  cstack(int size) {     data=new float[size];     pes=0; } 

now data def float, when create class can set type. can hold floats, or integers or strings.

this generic linkedstack implementation bruce eckel's "thinking in java":

    public class linkedstack<t> {         private static class node<u> {             u item;             node<u> next;              node() {                 item = null;                 next = null;             }              node(u item, node<u> next) {                 this.item = item;        = next;             }              boolean end() {                 return item == null && next == null;             }         }          private node<t> top = new node<t>(); // end sentinel          public void push(t item) {             top = new node<t>(item, top);         }          public t pop() {             t result = top.item;             if (!top.end())                 top =;             return result;         }          public static void main(string[] args) {             linkedstack<string> lss = new linkedstack<string>();             (string s : "phasers on stun!".split(" "))                 lss.push(s);             string s;             while ((s = lss.pop()) != null)                 system.out.println(s);         }     } 

i'll recommend read whole book , "generics" chapter.


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